.NET Framework 2.0 Released

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Taking me a little by suprise, the official RTM version of the .NET Framework 2.0 is now available. The really good news is that the official version is v2.0.50727 which is exactly the same version of the framework that shipped with Beta 3 of Visual Studio Team System. That makes my VSTSPlugins project a little easier to keep track of. Hopefully the "Beta 3 Refresh" of VSTS only involves server side changes - in which case the CruiseControl plugin should be good for a while and I can start proper work on getting Nant upgraded to .NET 2.0.

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It looks like NAnt isn't ready for 2.0 RTM just yet. We're using a hybrid NAnt/msbuild system here, as the NAnt build targets don't appear to work so far. Good luck. -Paul

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