Mount gMail as a filesystem

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Been wondering what to do with all those GMail invites? Well thanks to a couple of new developments you can now mount a gmail account as an external file system.

First up, for lovers of penguins we have GmailFS a mountable filesystem for linux. It is a Python application, using the FUSE filesystem infrastructure to help provide the filesystem, and libgmail to communicate with Gmail. GmailFS supports most file operations such as read, write, open, close, stat, symlink, link, unlink, truncate and rename.

Next we have the GMail Drive, a shell extension for windows. GMail Drive enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder.

xdrive is dead, long live gmail (so long as you don't worry about the privacy of the files stored...)

1 Comment

2.3ish GB is nothing to scoff at, but what if we want a full drive? how could we use several accounts attached togeather to build a single larger drive, with a standard drive letter [on windows]?


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